The Area Agencies on Aging provide a range of services such as home delivered meals, social/recreation opportunities at both senior centers and congregate dinning. In some cases we provide home personal care and home health aides and we can also contract a provider for adult day care services. In addition, AAA's are mandated to provide adult protective services to older persons who for whatever reasons may be exploited, abused or neglected.
Blooming Grove Center-150 Pike County Blvd., Hawley, PA 18428
(Phone: 570-775-5550 or 1-800-233-8911 Fax: 570-775-5558)
Office / Center: Monday through Friday - 8am to 4pm
Lackawaxen/Shohola Township Center-Lackawaxen Fire Dept., Beisel Beck Rd. & Rte. 590,
Lackawaxen, PA 18435.
Wednesday and Thursday 9 am to 2 pm (Phone: 570-685-7808)
Eastern Pike Center @ Matamoras-Matamoras Fire House, 506 Avenue Q, Matamoras, PA 18336
(Phone: 570-775-5550)
Wednesday and Friday 9 am to 2 pm
Executive Director - Robin S. Skibber E-Mail:
Protective Services & Options Supervisor - Robin Soares email:
Waiver Supervisor - Joan Edel
Nutrition Site Managers - Cherie Bland, Pam Capps, Jennifer Miller & David Zlasney
Activity & Program Director & Prime Time Health Coordinator - Lana Romeo
24hr. Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-800-233-8911