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The Friends of Marie Zimmermann is a 501(C)3 Incorporation formed in 1997 in Milford, PA to restore, in partnership with the National Park Service, The Marie Zimmermann House and Farm as a tribute to her artistic legacy, her personal character, and the natural beauty of the site. The location of the farm is in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area near the former village of Dingmans Ferry.

The ultimate goal of the restoration is "Marie Zimmermann Home and Farm" as a public venue with historical, artistic, and cultural dimensions by 2013, and National Historic Landmark Designation by 2014.

Friends of Marie Zimmermann Mission Statement restore the Marie Zimmermann Home and Farm (DEWA) as a National Historic Landmark by 2015, perpetuating Marie's legacy as a nationally-acclaimed metalsmith and inspiring example of personal determinism, and to do so in full cooperation with the National Park Service. To accomplish this, we will take the necessary steps to raise public and private monies to complete the restoration, and later philanthropy to sustain the property as a public venue.


The Marie Zimmermann House and Farm is located in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Directions to Farm off US209:(from Milford) to South Gate, 6 Miles South. Just past mile marker 15 heading south from Milford, the south gate entrance to the Zimmermann property is on the right. You must park and walk in. (From Dingmans/739 Light) to South Gate, 1.7 Miles North

Contact Information:

PO Box 142 Milford, PA 18337