Delaware Township Ordinances
Ordinance 102 Regulating Construction or Development in Areas Subject to Flooding (2001)
Ordinance 103 Regulating Junk Yards (1996)
Ordinance 104 School Bus Access Areas (1988)
Ordinance 105 Reg. Private Driveways and Roads (1985)
Ordinance 106 Reg. the Construction, Opening, and Dedication of Roads, and the Construction of Drainage Facilities (2014) and signed amendment
Ordinance 107 SALDO (2018) - amended in entirety
Ordinance 108 Reg. Recr Subdiv, Campsites, Veh (1996)
Ordinance 110 Zoning along with 901 Definitions and Planning Map (2013)
Ordinance 110.7 3(c) signed amendment (2015)
Ordinance 110.8.H Amendment (2016)
Ordinance 110.17 UU Conditional Use Specific Standards for Kennels (2018) along with 901 Defintiions
Ordinance 110,17 VV Conditional Use Specific Standards for Medical Marijuana Facility Uses
Ordinance 110.17 WW Non-Tower Wireless Communications Facilities along with 901 Definitions (2018)
Ordinance 110.18 Sign Regulations (2020) along with 901 Definitions - regarding signs (2020)
Ordinance 110.8(B) Includes Stormwater Maintenance Facilities as an Exception to the Term "Structure" and Eliminates Material Storage Areas (2023)
Ordinance 901 Defintions amendment re Sheds and Land Development (2018)
Ordinance 901 Definitions amendment re medical marijuana (2018)
Ordinance 111 Regulating Signs (2001)
Ordinance 111.3.J.3 Amendment re Political Signs (2013)
Ordinance 111 Regulating Street Signs and House Number Signs (2016)
Ordinance 201 Regulating Building/Building Code (2005) with amendment in 2011
Ordinance 202 Regulating Individual Water Supply & Sewage Disposal Systems (1997)
Ordinance 202A On-Lot Sewage Disposal System Management (2012)
Ordinance 206 Curbside Recycling Program and Governing the Collection, Storage, Transportation, Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste on the Township Amendment (2016)
Ordinance 207 Emergency Rules and Regs (1996)
Ordinance 208 Repealing Criminal Enforcement (1996)
Ordinance 301 Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Emergency Preparedness (1999)
Ordinance 302 Regulating Outdoor Fires (2002)
Ordinance 302-1 Reg Outdoor fires (2002)
Ordinance 303 Reg Ambulance Service (1986) REPEALED 4/13/22
Ordinance 304 False Alarms (2018)
Ordinance 305 re Act 98 - Fire Escrow (1997)
Ordinance 401 Parking on Highways
Ordinance 401 A re Prohibited Parking (2016)
Ordinance 401 B re Establishing Speed Limits on Doolan Road (2016)
Ordinance 401 C re Establishing Speed Limits on Park Road (2017)
Ordinance 402 Prohibiting the Abandonment of Vehicles
Ordinance 403 Max Weight of Motor Vehicles (1985)
Ordinance 601 Est Planning Commission (1986) - Amended 601 (2022)
Ordinance 602-2 Compensation of Supervisors (2024)
Ordinance 603 Join PA Govt Risk Mangmt Assoc (1989)
Ordinance 604 Pike Co Council of Govt (1988)
Ordinance 614-2013 Repealing Ordinance 614-1991 Establishing A Recreation Commission (2012)
Ordinance 616 Delinquent Tax Collector (2001)
Ordinance 700 Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act ("LERTA") (2013)
Ordinance 710 Pension (2015)
Ordinance 711 U.C.Trust (2015)
Ordinance 712 Health Insurance Cooperative Trust (2015)
Ordinance 800 Blue Ridge Cable (2013)
Ordinance 800-1 Blue Ridge Cable (2022)
Ordinance 801 Regulating Dangerous or Dilapidated Properties (2021)
Ordinance 2012-14 Creating Recreation & Park Board for Delaware Twp (AMENDED) (2018)
Ordinance 802 Regulating Short Term Rentals (2022)