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Supervisor Candidate Says Myck Road ‘Dangerous’
The Pike County Dispatch
By Wayne Witkowski

DINGMANS FERRY -- Myck Road, which has drawn attention for a hazardous 100-foot long curve with a deep dropoff at the edge of the road, again drew discussion at the Delaware Township Board of Supervisors meeting on Wednesday last week.

During the Public Comment at the end of the meeting, resident Steve Tarquini, who also was a candidate for township supervisor for Tuesday's Primary Election, questioned when that road would be repaired. Tarquini pointed to a "dangerous" stretch of the lower end of the road near state Route 2001/Milford Road with a dropoff of about nine feet to a flowing stream bed at the roadside. Township Roadmaster Richard Bailo said plastic delineators have been placed along that side of the road, which are seen as white poles with reflectors about 15 feet apart.

Delineators were already in place at a steep dropoff on the other side of Myck Road where it runs in a straight line.

With the end of the winter weather, there is no risk of a car sliding on black ice off the curving road but a speeding driver losing control of his car on the curve risks serious danger from a deadly accident.
Board of Supervisors Chairman John Henderson afterward called the dropoff the " 'grand canyon' that exists on one side of the relatively narrow road with a sharp curve and steep grade."
Henderson said an engineer's report estimates the project would cost $800,000.

Tarquini said Myck Road has been discussed for many years, particularly during meetings the last couple of years, but nothing has been done. Henderson pointed out afterward that Myck Road is a "2023 budget priority item" but Township Administrator Krista Predmore said the startup for the project has been delayed by a lack of funds. "We've tried to get money for it but have not been successful," said Predmore, but she said that the township lately has been "looking at the Pike County Conservation District for certain money to go for it."

"Grant money always helps, but hundreds of small necessities quickly eat up funds available for big projects," said Henderson when asked about it after the meeting.
Tarquini said the project "should not cost anywhere near $1 million" if culvert pipes and culvert boxes would be installed on that part of the roadwork. Tarquini, who said he has been a resident for about 20 years, recalled after the meeting how a patchwork road repair was done about 15 years ago when water running under the road caused the bed to buckle.

"When we do make the decision, we want a good plan, not a quick fix plan," said Henderson of the project that also calls for other roadwork on Myck Road. "We are and have been addressing the safety issue as best we can pending the 'fix.'

Tarquini broadened his remarks to say "the (township) roads need to be maintained better."

But after the meeting, Henderson provided the latest roadmaster report for April that stated that potholes were repaired on Long Meadow Road and Akenac Park as well as some on other roads and that culverts on roads were being cleaned out. It also listed road sealing would be done in September. Long Meadow Road repairs are "in the planning stage" as well as work on Doolan Road signage.

Bailo also mentioned during the meeting that the handicapped parking spots project for the Dingmans Ferry-Delaware Township Historical Society building in Akenac Park and the Recreation Hall, also in the park, are expected to be completed "in the next two weeks."

Also during Public Comment, state Rep. Tara Probst offered a stack of Public Utility Complaint forms that residents could fill out who are opposed to the Shawnee-Walker transmission line project that would run through the township. "We did something like this at Stroudsburg on a much smaller scale," said Probst, who served as mayor of Stroudsburg before being elected state representative.

Supervisors said,when asked, that they have not heard from First Energy since it conducted a public information center at the municipal building in March.

Probst also said that ample funding is available to the township for financial aid as long as projects are stipulated. She said the township is eligible to apply for a Monroe Loan Share Account (casino gaming funds) grant

During the meeting, Bailo and Dan Bellino were approved by the supervisors to attend LTAP Roadside Vegetation Control training on May 31 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pike County Training Center.
Theurkauf Design & Planning will receive $10,149.29 for the comprehensive plan update.

ABS Solutions, LLC's proposal No. 41227 for Microsoft 365 renewal for $1,632.00 was approved.

Supervisors approved Akenac Park use requests by the Dingmans Ferry Theatre for May 15, June 23-24, July 22 and July 29 as well as for Aug. 5 for an outside stage show. A Beatles show will be held there outdoors on July 29 that was postponed from last year. A Gilbert and Sullivan show held last yer that was well received by the public will be presented there again at the theatre cabin on May 27. The date was approved by supervisors at a previous meeting.

Dennis Lee, head of the Dingmans Ferry Theatre, is conducting acting classes for anyone interested indoors at the theatre on Mondays through June starting at 6 p.m.
Under Announcements, Henderson said the township is accepting letters of interest for a vacancy on the Zoning Hearing Board.

A public hearing will be held at the Board of Supervisors meeting on May 24 at 7:15 p.m. regarding a conditional use hearing for a proposed 5,200-square-foot medical clinic at Delaware Plaza anchored by the new Weis Market. "They're not changing the outside but they're changing the use so it is considered a conditional use, not a changed use, because there may be conditions required," said township Solicitor Tom Farley.

Henderson also announced that a Zoning Hearing Board Public Hearing will be held on Thursday this week at 4 p.m. regarding an application for a special exception to operate a medical rehabilitation facility at a rural residential property located at 934 Milford Rd, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 in the 01-Milford Rd. 2001 subdivision in accordance with Section 110.7.A of the Delaware Township Zoning Ordinance.
Take the Imagine Pike County 2035 Comprehensive Plan Community Survey. Visit

A Concealed Carry and Castle Doctrine Seminar will take place on Aug. 17 from 6-8 p.m. at the Dingman Township Volunteer Fire Department. RSVP is required as seating is limited. Call (570)
Henderson said, when asked by Lee at a workshop prior to the regular meeting, that pickle ball courts for Akenac Park are being considered. "We have to see if the (existing) courts are adequate and safe" to convert them to pickel ball, said Henderson.